Institute for Professional Business Developers and Entrepreneurs (Nigeria) IPBDEN trains, certifies, licence, inspires and empower business developers, business administrators, business managers, business owners, and entrepreneurs through our professional educational training such as workshops, seminars, symposium, conferences, for members and non-members to encourage human capital development, skill acquisitions, management skills, knowledge, business ethics, business laws, and practices so as to enhance, grow and develop entrepreneurial businesses.
Interns/Apprentices are invited to apply for internship/Apprenticeship program organized by the institute in union with our partner organizations. If you are an enthusiastic young undergraduate or apprentice, then apply by filling up the interest form and you will be notified when such opportunity becomes available.
Both IPBDEN internship and apprenticeship gives you first hands on training but we accept mostly graduates, and WAEC school leavers to undergo internship to enable them seek employment and establish their skills, careers, and professions while apprentice are mostly those who have love developing a handwork or those who were not privileged to go to school but have interest in undergoing training to guarantee you to gain a high paying job once you complete the training successfully.
An apprenticeship is a person who works for another in other to learn a trade and business. IPBDEN explain that all our apprentice must be legally bound through indenture to a master, craft man, and manager in other to learn a trade and skill acquisition.
Apprenticeship can be seen as a kind of job training that involves the following and study a master of the trade on the job instead of in school such as carpenters, plumbing work, business trade, masons, chemist, doctors and professionals who often learn the trade through apprenticeship.
IPBDEN apprenticeship involve apprentice in a programme that trains them to become skilled in a particular trade, which combines hands on work with IPBDEN training to develop the apprentice.
IPBDEN expect all apprentices to utilize their learning and also apply their lessons through working.
The Benefits of IPBDEN Apprenticeship to Apprentice